Lush Henna



I received so many awesome gifts from my familia on Christmas. One of my gifts were all these products from Lush. They knew how much I’ve been wanting to buy lush products. Everytime I go shopping with one of my sisters, we end up at the lush store smelling and trying all these products until we get so overwhelmed that we end up buying nothing. This time my sister said let’s just go into lush and buy you your Christmas gift. The best part, was that, I had made a wishlist with all the products I have been wanting to try. We went in, gave them my list, they showed us the products, and finally we made the selection. It wasn’t that hard after all.
From the things I picked, I have tried a couple so far. This post will be about their Henna, the Caca Noir.

As a middle eastern, henna is one of the widely known product we use for various things and occasions. It is used in weddings celebrations, for drawing on hands, tattoos, and for dying hair. Henna is a plant, it is natural, and it has so many benefits for hair and skin. Personally, I have never used it before.
I like to color my hair black once in a while; however, I haven’t done so in a while because I am trying to avoid all those products with the harsh chemicals. Therefore, I thought I would give this henna from lush a try since it is beneficial for the hair and claims to deposit color to your hair.
I followed the instructions and applied it to my hair last night. As directed, I kept it warm through out the process when applying to my hair and left it on for a couple hours. It definitely felt super nice when applied warm to your scalp. It refreshened and conditioned my scalp. Now, it didn’t deposit any color to my hair even though I chose the black color; however, It is definitely a nice hair treatment because it left my super silky and shiny.

I would use it again because they suggest giving the hair another application to get better color results, but I would do so just to get the silky shiny hair. It is worth it.

Next I want to try the Indian/middle Eastern henna and find out if there are any differences. I will give an update once I do so.
Now I am going to give my other lush products a try.

Happy Suday!

That’s how it looked after a couple hours ^

Blurbed out!



So who knows about Blurb? Have you designed an album on that site?
I love pictures and love how you can re-live those moments through a photo. However, these days everything is digitalized and most likely most of your pictures are saved on your hard drive, flash card, or even still on your camera’s memory card. Every time I think of that, I get disturbed. What if a glitch occurs and that device, I am trusting, won’t work again!? What happens with all those memories I have stored?
Thats why I am trying my best now to have those hard copy pictures physically in front of me.
In an attempt to do that I joined Blurb community and I’ve been on that site a little over 6 months. However, I haven’t ordered one single album yet!
The reason is because I’ve been so busy lately and I feel that designing an album needs time and artistic mood. Let’s face it, we don’t always feel artistic and we are always time challenged. However, I am determined to work on these albums intensively in the next couple weeks, and I am planning on ordering one of them first as a test of quality and outcome.

I cannot wait to have those albums around my house, bringing back memories and putting a smile on our faces.