Refinery29 + Glossy Box = I am down!

I just received an email from Refinery29 shop about the Glossy Box deal. Now, it has been a few months since I first heard about the Glossy box from different Youtube Beauty Gurus and have been wanting to jump on that wagon. Well, today was the day. I received an email from Refinery29 as they have partnered with Glossy Box for a 3 month subscription and offereing hand picked items by Refinery29 experts. Being a true fan of Refinery29, I though this was the best news ever, and not to mention the 3 boxes were for $60.00 and I had this coupon code for $10.00 off! FANTASTIC.


Scroll down fro coupon code..


If interested in this deal, click here to sign up for Refinery29 awesome deals and here is a $10.00 off coupon code “OrianaR29Shops”

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